Regularly, I hear friends and colleagues lament about their desire to get out of the hustle and bustle that is an inevitable part of living in an urban environment – either physically or at the very least, mentally. Certainly, that was how I felt when I recently...
Feeding picky eaters: what to do when your dog won’t eat
I love to eat and so does my family! We are always planning our next meal and enjoy the experience of trying new foods and new restaurants. Food is a very important part of our lives. I raised my children to be adventurous when it comes to new foods. They could not...
Cora Wittekind: Dog Trainer to the Stars
With some of today's hottest celebrities as her clients, it's no doubt why Cora Wittekind has been called (on more than one occasion) a “dog trainer to the stars.” An average day for Cora could involve hopping on a private jet with one of today's biggest actresses and...
Sandra Page Mitchell: Interior Designer, Artist, Animal Wellness Advocate
If she had to choose only one word to describe Bailey the Cocker Spaniel, Sandra Page Mitchell tells me without a moment’s hesitation, it would have to be “angel.” And certainly, as she spoke to me recently about her art, how she came to adopt Bailey, and why she...
Joye Oltmann: Founder of Toby’s Room Inc.
The average day starts early for Joye and Dave Oltmann. Their home in Snellville, Georgia (located to the east of Atlanta) usually hosts as many as 16 dogs and cats, all rescued by the Oltmann's from the most inhumane of conditions. Joye was already volunteering at...
Introducing Rousseau, Lucky Dog of the Month!
Hello everyone! My full name is Jean-Jacques Rousseau Pritchard, but I go as Rousseau (or Rou) for short. I’m a French Bulldog, and I turned four years old this month. I live in Toronto, Canada with my mom, but we also travel together a lot – mostly to...
Canine Obesity: Dangerous and Expensive
It's rather sad to think that more than half the dogs in this country are overweight or obese. According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 54% of the dogs in the U.S. are eating the wrong foods and not getting enough exercise. Sound familiar? Dogs and...
Declining Sperm Counts In Dogs And People
One of my favorite authors, Dr. Marion Nestle, coined the phrase "The Chihuahua in the Coal Mine". She was referring to the health and safety of the American food system in her book, Pet Food Politics. The pet food industry has its roots in the human food...
How Kibble Is Made – Part Two
Our last blog was about rendering plants. This is the first step in the process of making dog kibble. Rendered raw materials are cooked at high temperatures (between 280 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit) for 60 minutes. This is performed in an attempt to destroy existing...
How Kibble Is Made – Part One
Our next couple of blogs will focus on what kibble really is and how it is made. Once you understand the process you can decide for yourself just how much of it you would like to feed your dogs. Rendering Plants - What Are They? Rendering plants are where most pet...
Signs Your Dog May Be Suffering From Anxiety
We are all very busy these days with the end of summer and getting the kids back to school. Emotions are high as everyone adjusts to a change from the laid back summer lifestyle. Dogs can feel the changes too! You and your family are the center of your dog's world....
Addison’s Disease Part Two: The Nitty Gritty and Storm’s Struggle
Our last blog broadly outlined Addison's Disease in dogs and the experience of having my own dog diagnosed. Here in part two we will dig deeper into the disease and its affect on Storm. It all starts with the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are vital to help the...
Addison’s Disease: A Personal Story
Addison's Disease is a serious, life threatening illness that is often misdiagnosed. I have had first hand experience dealing with this condition in one of my own dogs. With vigilant care your dog can go on to live a healthy, happy life. I had grown up with miniature...
Pumpkin: An Underappreciated Superfood!
Dogs love the taste of pumpkin and it's good for them too! I always go back to the idea that natural, clean foods provide the most benefit to our health. This simple fruit is good for: Urinary tract health Regular digestion - helps with both constipation...
Your Pancreatitis Questions Answered
I decided to write a blog about pancreatitis since I get so many inquiries on the subject. Way too many dogs are suffering from acute or chronic pancreatitis. These poor dogs are miserable and their pet parents are worried. It can be life threatening. The pancreas is...
Table Scraps For Dogs? Absolutely!
According to a 20-year study completed at the University of Georgia, one out of three dogs currently alive will die from cancer. Prominent holistic veterinarian, Dr. Donald Strombeck, states that our dogs are living 20% shorter lives than they did 40 years ago. These...
Heat Stroke In Dogs
Common sense is best when considering hot weather tips for your dog. Remember that older and obese pets, dogs with heart or breathing problems, short noses, and certain breeds like boxers, bulldogs, St. Bernards and ShihTzus are more prone to heat related problems. ...
Canine Dental Health
I wish there was a magic pill to make me lose weight! What does this have to do with dental health, you ask? Well, unfortunately there is no magic kibble that will make your dog's teeth clean and sparkly! It takes both work and a healthy diet to have a fit body and a...
Bladder And Kidney Stones
Stones cause lots of concerns for dog owners. We seem to be seeing an increased incidence over the last several years. I believe due to the widespread use of dried, processed kibble. Dr. Donald Strombeck, DVM, PHD and professor emeritus, at the University of...
Allergies In Dogs
Allergies should be considered a national epidemic! How many pet owners talk about their dog's skin issues!? It is one of the number one causes of a trip to the vet. Symptoms include: constant licking and scratching itchy, runny eyes chronic ear infections scabs and...