Summer is prime time for your dog to start to itch and scratch. We all love the summer and so do molds, fungi and other allergens and toxins. Now is a good time to consider a detoxification for you and your dog! Dogs live closer to the ground than we do. They...
We Make Gourmet Dog Food: Real, Healthy, and Sustainably Produced
What is gourmet dog food? We've all seen the adjective, 'gourmet' from dog food manufacturers. The term actually means - according to - 'to involve high quality or exotic ingredients and skilled preparation'. The nouns 'gourmet' and 'foodie' are...
Best dog food, best blog? Hopefully.
We have a long history of “writing dogs” in our family. By writing dogs, I don’t mean writing about, but dogs that actually write. Many of you will be convinced that the last few months of trying to get our new website up has been much like staying out in the sun too...
The History of Dog Food
People and dogs have been intertwined throughout history. Some say the relationship goes back 15,000 years, while others say even longer. Dogs have been eating our table scraps for millennia. So how did the current trend of feeding dry kibble come to be? The first...